A request to confirm the identity of a user.
Located in /Auth/OpenID/Server.php (line 709)
Auth_OpenID_Request | --Auth_OpenID_CheckIDRequest
Whether this request is for immediate mode.
The trust_root value for this request.
Return-to verification callback. Default is Auth_OpenID_verifyReturnTo from TrustRoot.php.
Respond to this request. Return either an Auth_OpenID_ServerResponse or Auth_OpenID_ServerError.
DEPRECATED. Passing $op_endpoint to the Auth_OpenID_Server constructor makes this optional.
When an OpenID 1.x immediate mode request does not succeed, it gets back a URL where the request may be carried out in a not-so-immediate fashion. Pass my URL in here (the fully qualified address of this server's endpoint, i.e. http://example.com/server), and I will use it as a base for the URL for a new request.
Optional for requests where $immediate is false or $allow is true.
The claimed identifier to answer with, for use with identifier selection in the case where the claimed identifier and the OP-local identifier differ, i.e. when the claimed_id uses delegation.
If $identity is provided but this is not, $claimed_id will default to the value of $identity. When answering requests that did not ask for identifier selection, the response $claimed_id will default to that of the request.
This parameter is new in OpenID 2.0.
Documentation generated on Thu, 29 Jul 2010 13:59:26 -0700 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3