Class OpenID::Message
In: lib/openid/kvpost.rb
Parent: Object


Classes and Modules

Class OpenID::Message::KeyNotFound


namespaces  [R] 

Public Class methods

Create a message from a KVForm string

Construct a Message from a parsed KVForm message. Raises InvalidNamespaceError if you try to instantiate a Message with a namespace not in the above allowed list

Construct a Message containing a set of POST arguments. Raises InvalidNamespaceError if you try to instantiate a Message with a namespace not in the above allowed list

Raises InvalidNamespaceError if you try to instantiate a Message with a namespace not in the above allowed list

Registers a (namespace URI, alias) mapping in a global namespace alias map. Raises NamespaceAliasRegistrationError if either the namespace URI or alias has already been registered with a different value. This function is required if you want to use a namespace with an OpenID 1 message.

Public Instance methods

Convert an input value into the internally used values of this obejct.

Raises InvalidNamespaceError if you try to instantiate a Message with a namespace not in the above allowed list

Remove a single argument from this namespace.

Get a value for a namespaced key.

Get the arguments that are defined for this namespace URI.

Get the key for a particular namespaced argument

Set a single argument in this namespace

Return all namespaced arguments, failing if any non-namespaced arguments exist.

Generate HTML form markup that contains the values in this message, to be HTTP POSTed as x-www-form-urlencoded UTF-8.

Generate a KVForm string that contains the parameters in this message. This will fail is the message contains arguments outside of the "openid." prefix.

Return all arguments with "openid." in from of namespaced arguments.

Generate a GET URL with the paramters in this message attacked as query parameters.

Generate an x-www-urlencoded string.

Set multiple key/value pairs in one call.
