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OIDExternalUserAgentIOSCustomBrowser Class Reference

An implementation of the OIDExternalUserAgent protocol for iOS that uses a custom browser (i.e. not Safari) for external requests. It is suitable for browsers that offer a custom url scheme that simply replaces the "https" scheme. It is not designed for browsers that require other modifications to the URL. If the browser is not installed the user will be prompted to install it. More...

#import <OIDExternalUserAgentIOSCustomBrowser.h>

Inheritance diagram for OIDExternalUserAgentIOSCustomBrowser:

Instance Methods

(nullable instancetype) - initWithURLTransformation:
 OIDExternalUserAgent for a custom browser. presentExternalUserAgentRequest:session method will return NO if the browser isn't installed.
(nullable instancetype) - initWithURLTransformation:canOpenURLScheme:appStoreURL:
 The designated initializer. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from <OIDExternalUserAgent>
(BOOL) - presentExternalUserAgentRequest:session:
 Presents the request in the external user-agent. More...
(void) - dismissExternalUserAgentAnimated:completion:
 Dimisses the external user-agent and calls completion when the dismiss operation ends. More...

Class Methods

(instancetype) + CustomBrowserChrome
 An instance of OIDExternalUserAgentIOSCustomBrowser for Chrome.
(instancetype) + CustomBrowserFirefox
 An instance of OIDExternalUserAgentIOSCustomBrowser for Firefox.
(instancetype) + CustomBrowserOpera
 An instance of OIDExternalUserAgentIOSCustomBrowser for Opera.
(instancetype) + CustomBrowserSafari
 An instance of OIDExternalUserAgentIOSCustomBrowser for Safari.
(OIDCustomBrowserURLTransformation+ URLTransformationSchemeSubstitutionHTTPS:HTTP:
 Creates a OIDCustomBrowserURLTransformation using the scheme substitution method used iOS browsers like Chrome and Firefox.
(OIDCustomBrowserURLTransformation+ URLTransformationSchemeConcatPrefix:
 Creates a OIDCustomBrowserURLTransformation with the URL prefix method used by iOS browsers like Firefox.


OIDCustomBrowserURLTransformation URLTransformation
 URL transformation block for the browser.
NSString * canOpenURLScheme
 URL Scheme used to test for whether the browser is installed.
NSURL * appStoreURL
 URL of the browser's App Store listing.

Detailed Description

An implementation of the OIDExternalUserAgent protocol for iOS that uses a custom browser (i.e. not Safari) for external requests. It is suitable for browsers that offer a custom url scheme that simply replaces the "https" scheme. It is not designed for browsers that require other modifications to the URL. If the browser is not installed the user will be prompted to install it.

Method Documentation

◆ initWithURLTransformation:canOpenURLScheme:appStoreURL:()

- (nullable instancetype) initWithURLTransformation: (OIDCustomBrowserURLTransformation URLTransformation
canOpenURLScheme: (nullable NSString *)  canOpenURLScheme

The designated initializer.

URLTransformationthe transformation block to translate the URL into one that will open in the desired custom browser.
canOpenURLSchemeany scheme supported by the browser used to check if the browser is installed.
appStoreURLURL of the browser in the app store. When this and canOpenURLScheme are non-nil, presentExternalUserAgentRequest:session will redirect the user to the app store if the browser is not installed.

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