# File lib/openid/yadis/xrires.rb, line 45
        def query(xri, service_types)
          # these can be query args or http headers, needn't be both.
          # headers = {'Accept' => 'application/xrds+xml;sep=true'}
          canonicalID = nil

          services = service_types.collect { |service_type|
            url = self.query_url(xri, service_type)
              response = OpenID.fetch(url)
              raise XRIHTTPError, ["Could not fetch #{xri}", $!]
            raise XRIHTTPError, "Could not fetch #{xri}" if response.nil?

            xrds = Yadis::parseXRDS(response.body)
            canonicalID = Yadis::get_canonical_id(xri, xrds)

            Yadis::services(xrds) unless xrds.nil?
          # TODO:
          #  * If we do get hits for multiple service_types, we're almost
          #    certainly going to have duplicated service entries and
          #    broken priority ordering.
          services = services.inject([]) { |flatter, some_services|
            flatter += some_services unless some_services.nil?

          return canonicalID, services