# File lib/openid/trustroot.rb, line 194
      def TrustRoot.parse(trust_root)
        trust_root = trust_root.dup
        unparsed = trust_root.dup

        # look for wildcard
        wildcard = (not trust_root.index('://*.').nil?)
        trust_root.sub!('*.', '') if wildcard

        # handle http://*/ case
        if not wildcard and @@empty_re.match(trust_root)
          proto = trust_root.split(':')[0]
          port = proto == 'http' ? 80 : 443
          return new(unparsed, proto, true, '', port, '/')

        parts = TrustRoot._parse_url(trust_root)
        return nil if parts.nil?

        proto, host, port, path = parts

        # check for URI fragment
        if path and !path.index('#').nil?
          return nil

        return nil unless ['http', 'https'].member?(proto)
        return new(unparsed, proto, wildcard, host, port, path)