# File lib/openid/consumer/associationmanager.rb, line 154
      def extract_supported_association_type(server_error, assoc_type)
        # Any error message whose code is not 'unsupported-type' should
        # be considered a total failure.
        if (server_error.error_code != 'unsupported-type' or
          Util.log("Server error when requesting an association from "\
                   "#{@server_url}: #{server_error.error_text}")
          return nil

        # The server didn't like the association/session type that we
        # sent, and it sent us back a message that might tell us how to
        # handle it.
        Util.log("Unsupported association type #{assoc_type}: "\

        # Extract the session_type and assoc_type from the error message
        assoc_type = server_error.message.get_arg(OPENID_NS, 'assoc_type')
        session_type = server_error.message.get_arg(OPENID_NS, 'session_type')

        if assoc_type.nil? or session_type.nil?
          Util.log("Server #{@server_url} responded with unsupported "\
                   "association session but did not supply a fallback.")
          return nil
        elsif !@negotiator.allowed?(assoc_type, session_type)
          Util.log("Server sent unsupported session/association type: "\
                   "session_type=#{session_type}, assoc_type=#{assoc_type}")
          return nil
          return [assoc_type, session_type]