Class TestOpenID2SessionNegotiation


Test the session type negotiation behavior of an OpenID 2 consumer.

Located in /Tests/Auth/OpenID/Negotiation.php (line 38)

Method Summary
setUp (line 39)
void setUp ()
testBadResponse (line 52)

Test the case where the response to an associate request is a server error or is otherwise undecipherable.

void testBadResponse ()
testBadResponseWithFailure (line 64)

Test the case where the response to an associate request is a a failure response object.

void testBadResponseWithFailure ()
testEmptyAssocType (line 76)

Test the case where the association type (assoc_type) returned in an unsupported-type response is absent.

void testEmptyAssocType ()
testEmptySessionType (line 96)

Test the case where the session type (session_type) returned in an unsupported-type response is absent.

void testEmptySessionType ()
testNotAllowed (line 117)

Test the case where an unsupported-type response specifies a preferred (assoc_type, session_type) combination that is not allowed by the consumer's SessionNegotiator.

void testNotAllowed ()
testUnsupportedWithRetry (line 141)

Test the case where an unsupported-type response triggers a retry to get an association with the new preferred type.

void testUnsupportedWithRetry ()
testUnsupportedWithRetryAndFail (line 162)

Test the case where an unsupported-typ response triggers a retry, but the retry fails and None is returned instead.

void testUnsupportedWithRetryAndFail ()
testValid (line 183)

Test the valid case, wherein an association is returned on the first attempt to get one.

void testValid ()

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