Class Auth_Yadis_XMLParser


The base class for wrappers for available PHP XML-parsing

extensions. To work with this Yadis library, subclasses of this class MUST implement the API as defined in the remarks for this class. Subclasses of Auth_Yadis_XMLParser are used to wrap particular PHP XML extensions such as 'domxml'. These are used internally by the library depending on the availability of supported PHP XML extensions.

Located in /Auth/Yadis/XML.php (line 21)

Direct descendents
Class Description
 class Auth_Yadis_domxml This concrete implementation of Auth_Yadis_XMLParser implements
 class Auth_Yadis_dom This concrete implementation of Auth_Yadis_XMLParser implements
Method Summary
 array attributes (mixed $node)
 string content (mixed $node)
 array &evalXPath (string $xpath, [mixed $node = null])
 boolean init (string $xml_string, array $namespace_map)
 boolean registerNamespace (string $prefix, string $uri)
 boolean setXML (string $xml_string)
attributes (line 121)

Return the attributes of a specified node.

  • return: An array mapping attribute names to values.
array attributes (mixed $node)
  • mixed $node: A node object from a previous call to $this->evalXPath().

Redefined in descendants as:
content (line 107)

Return the textual content of a specified node.

  • return: The content of this node.
string content (mixed $node)
  • mixed $node: A node object from a previous call to $this->evalXPath().

Redefined in descendants as:
evalXPath (line 94)

Evaluate an XPath expression and return the resulting node list. This should be overridden by subclasses.

  • return: An array of matching opaque node objects to be used with other methods of this parser class.
array &evalXPath (string $xpath, [mixed $node = null])
  • string $xpath: The XPath expression to be evaluated.
  • mixed $node: A node object resulting from a previous evalXPath call. This node, if specified, provides the context for the evaluation of this xpath expression.

Redefined in descendants as:
init (line 33)

Initialize an instance of Auth_Yadis_XMLParser with some XML and namespaces. This SHOULD NOT be overridden by subclasses.

  • return: True if the initialization and namespace registration(s) succeeded; false otherwise.
boolean init (string $xml_string, array $namespace_map)
  • string $xml_string: A string of XML to be parsed.
  • array $namespace_map: An array of ($ns_name => $ns_uri) to be registered with the XML parser. May be empty.
registerNamespace (line 61)

Register a namespace with the XML parser. This should be overridden by subclasses.

  • return: True if the registration succeeded; false otherwise.
boolean registerNamespace (string $prefix, string $uri)
  • string $prefix: The namespace prefix to appear in XML tag names.
  • string $uri: The namespace URI to be used to identify the namespace in the XML.

Redefined in descendants as:
setXML (line 76)

Set this parser object's XML payload. This should be overridden by subclasses.

  • return: True if the initialization succeeded; false otherwise.
boolean setXML (string $xml_string)
  • string $xml_string: The XML string to pass to this object's XML parser.

Redefined in descendants as:

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