Class Auth_Yadis_Discovery


State management for discovery.

High-level usage pattern is to call .getNextService(discover) in order to find the next available service for this user for this session. Once a request completes, call .cleanup() to clean up the session state.

Located in /Auth/Yadis/Manager.php (line 369)

Method Summary
 Auth_Yadis_Discovery Auth_Yadis_Discovery (Auth_Yadis_PHPSession $session, string $url, [string $session_key_suffix = null])
 void cleanup ([$force $force = false])
 void getNextService ( $discover_cb,  $fetcher)
Constructor Auth_Yadis_Discovery (line 390)

Initialize a discovery object.

Auth_Yadis_Discovery Auth_Yadis_Discovery (Auth_Yadis_PHPSession $session, string $url, [string $session_key_suffix = null])
  • Auth_Yadis_PHPSession $session: An object which implements the Auth_Yadis_PHPSession API.
  • string $url: The URL on which to attempt discovery.
  • string $session_key_suffix: The optional session key suffix override.
cleanup (line 441)

Clean up Yadis-related services in the session and return the most-recently-attempted service from the manager, if one exists.

void cleanup ([$force $force = false])
  • $force $force: True if the manager should be deleted regardless of whether it's a manager for $this->url.
getNextService (line 408)

Return the next authentication service for the pair of user_input and session. This function handles fallback.

void getNextService ( $discover_cb,  $fetcher)
  • $discover_cb
  • $fetcher

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