Class Auth_OpenID_ServerError


An error class which gets instantiated and returned whenever an OpenID protocol error occurs. Be prepared to use this in place of an ordinary server response.

Located in /Auth/OpenID/Server.php (line 147)

Direct descendents
Class Description
 class Auth_OpenID_NoReturnToError Error returned by the server code when a return_to is absent from a request.
 class Auth_OpenID_MalformedReturnURL An error indicating that the return_to URL is malformed.
 class Auth_OpenID_MalformedTrustRoot This error is returned when the trust_root value is malformed.
 class Auth_OpenID_UntrustedReturnURL An error that indicates that the given return_to is not under the given trust_root.
Method Summary
 void encodeToKVForm ()
 void encodeToURL ()
 void getReturnTo ()
 void hasReturnTo ()
 void toFormMarkup ([ $form_tag_attrs = null])
 void toHTML ([ $form_tag_attrs = null])
 void toMessage ()
 void toString ()
 void whichEncoding ()
encodeToKVForm (line 201)

Encodes the response to key-value form. This is a machine-readable format used to respond to messages which came directly from the consumer and not through the user-agent. See the OpenID specification.

void encodeToKVForm ()
encodeToURL (line 185)

Encodes this error's response as a URL suitable for redirection. If the response has no return_to, another Auth_OpenID_ServerError is returned.

void encodeToURL ()
getReturnTo (line 160)
void getReturnTo ()
hasReturnTo (line 175)

Returns the return_to URL for the request which caused this error.

void hasReturnTo ()
toFormMarkup (line 208)
void toFormMarkup ([ $form_tag_attrs = null])
  • $form_tag_attrs
toHTML (line 214)
void toHTML ([ $form_tag_attrs = null])
  • $form_tag_attrs
toMessage (line 220)
void toMessage ()
toString (line 278)

Returns this error message.

void toString ()

Redefined in descendants as:
whichEncoding (line 246)

Returns one of Auth_OpenID_ENCODE_URL, Auth_OpenID_ENCODE_KVFORM, or null, depending on the type of encoding expected for this error's payload.

void whichEncoding ()

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