Class Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer


This class is the interface to the OpenID consumer logic.

Instances of it maintain no per-request state, so they can be reused (or even used by multiple threads concurrently) as needed.

Located in /Auth/OpenID/Consumer.php (line 568)

Direct descendents
Class Description
 class ConfigurableConsumer This class is the interface to the OpenID consumer logic.
 class SetupNeededConsumer This class is the interface to the OpenID consumer logic.
 class _IdResFetchFailingConsumer This class is the interface to the OpenID consumer logic.
 class _BadArgCheckingConsumer This class is the interface to the OpenID consumer logic.
 class Consumer_completeEmptySession This class is the interface to the OpenID consumer logic.
 class TestDiscoveryVerification_test_otherServer This class is the interface to the OpenID consumer logic.
 class ErrorRaisingConsumer A consumer whose _requestAssocation will return predefined results instead of trying to actually perform association requests.
 class Tests_Auth_OpenID_VerifyDisco_1 This class is the interface to the OpenID consumer logic.
 class VerifyDisco_Consumer_verifiedError This class is the interface to the OpenID consumer logic.
 class Tests_openID2NoEndpointDoesDisco_sentinel This class is the interface to the OpenID consumer logic.
 class Tests_openID2NoEndpointDoesDisco_failure This class is the interface to the OpenID consumer logic.
Variable Summary
Method Summary
 Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer (Auth_OpenID_OpenIDStore $store, bool $immediate)
mixed $openid1_return_to_identifier_name = 'openid1_claimed_id' (line 594)

Another query parameter that gets added to the return_to for OpenID 1; if the user's session state is lost, use this claimed identifier to do discovery when verifying the response.

mixed $store (line 577)

This consumer's store object.

Constructor Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer (line 614)

This method initializes a new Auth_OpenID_Consumer instance to access the library.

Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer Auth_OpenID_GenericConsumer (Auth_OpenID_OpenIDStore $store, bool $immediate)
  • Auth_OpenID_OpenIDStore $store: This must be an object that implements the interface in Auth_OpenID_OpenIDStore. Several concrete implementations are provided, to cover most common use cases. For stores backed by MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite, see the Auth_OpenID_SQLStore class and its sublcasses. For a filesystem-backed store, see the Auth_OpenID_FileStore module. As a last resort, if it isn't possible for the server to store state at all, an instance of Auth_OpenID_DumbStore can be used.
  • bool $immediate: This is an optional boolean value. It controls whether the library uses immediate mode, as explained in the module description. The default value is False, which disables immediate mode.

Documentation generated on Thu, 29 Jul 2010 13:58:33 -0700 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3