An empty base class intended to emulate PEAR connection
functionality in applications that supply their own database abstraction mechanisms. See Auth_OpenID_SQLStore for more information. You should subclass this class if you need to create an SQL store that needs to access its database using an application's database abstraction layer instead of a PEAR database connection. Any subclass of Auth_OpenID_DatabaseConnection MUST adhere to the interface specified here.
Located in /Auth/OpenID/DatabaseConnection.php (line 25)
Sets auto-commit mode on this database connection.
Run an SQL query with the specified parameters, if any.
Run an SQL query and return the first column of the first row of the result set, if any.
Run an SQL query and return the first row of the result set, if any.
Run an SQL query with the specified parameters, if any.
Documentation generated on Thu, 29 Jul 2010 13:58:43 -0700 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3